Nos dedicamos a proteger y promover los derechos fundamentales de la niñez, garantizando que estos derechos sean reconocidos, respetados y defendidos. Nuestro equipo trabaja de manera integral y con compromiso brinda:

Asesoria Juridica Especializada

Ofrecemos orientación en casos relacionados con derechos fundamentales de la niñez, acceso a la justicia y protección de poblaciones vulnerables.

Defensa de los derechos humanos

Impulsamos acciones legales para garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades y combatir cualquier forma de discriminación por razón de género, raza, religión, edad u otras condiciones.

Apoyo las expresiones artísticas

Valoramos y fomentamos el arte como una herramienta para la sostenibilidad social y el desarrollo humano. Apoyamos a artistas, escultores, pintores y a diferentes creadores a expresar su interpretación única del mundo, promoviendo sus derechos culturales, acceso a espacios donde su arte sea reconocido y respetado.

Educación y Concientización

Diseñamos programas y talleres para educar a la niñez sobre sus derechos y las herramientas legales disponibles para hacerles valer.

Trabajo Colaborativo

Nos asociamos con otras organizaciones, instituciones y actores sociales para fortalecer la defensa de los derechos de la niñez y asegurar transformaciones significativas en la sociedad.

Desarrollamos estrategias legales que abordan problemas inmediatos y al mismo tiempo generan cambios estructurales para promover el bienestar social y la equidad.

Soluciones Sostenibles

Nuestra misión es ser agentes de cambio, fomentando una sociedad más justa, equitativa y culturalmente enriquecida donde cada niño, niña, adolescente y joven sea valorado, respetado y tenga acceso a las herramientas necesarias para alcanzar su máximo potencial y expresar su creatividad.

Arte Solidario

Compra arte y apoya el desarrollo de comunidades vulnerables.

A group of people is gathered outdoors in what appears to be a demonstration or protest. One person is holding a sign that reads 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fundamental Rights.' The background features an ornate building with architectural details and greenery. Most participants appear to be wearing purple items, such as clothing or accessories.
A group of people is gathered outdoors in what appears to be a demonstration or protest. One person is holding a sign that reads 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fundamental Rights.' The background features an ornate building with architectural details and greenery. Most participants appear to be wearing purple items, such as clothing or accessories.
A red poster with white text is pasted on a weathered concrete pole. The background features a pedestrian crossing, suggesting an urban setting. The text on the poster promotes values of decency, equality, and social justice.
A red poster with white text is pasted on a weathered concrete pole. The background features a pedestrian crossing, suggesting an urban setting. The text on the poster promotes values of decency, equality, and social justice.
A group of people participate in a protest in front of a large, historic building with columns, possibly a government building. Many hold signs with various messages advocating human rights. A prominent sign in the foreground reads 'We Are All Humans' in both English and Spanish. The atmosphere suggests a peaceful demonstration.
A group of people participate in a protest in front of a large, historic building with columns, possibly a government building. Many hold signs with various messages advocating human rights. A prominent sign in the foreground reads 'We Are All Humans' in both English and Spanish. The atmosphere suggests a peaceful demonstration.
A group of people participating in a protest or demonstration, holding signs with various messages. The scene is outdoors, surrounded by trees, and includes a rainbow flag indicating a theme of equality or LGBTQ+ rights. Participants have signs addressing justice and expressing gratitude.
A group of people participating in a protest or demonstration, holding signs with various messages. The scene is outdoors, surrounded by trees, and includes a rainbow flag indicating a theme of equality or LGBTQ+ rights. Participants have signs addressing justice and expressing gratitude.
A hand delicately holding a blue awareness ribbon with the background softly blurred to focus on the ribbon.
A hand delicately holding a blue awareness ribbon with the background softly blurred to focus on the ribbon.
A group of people gathered in front of a building with large columns, holding signs advocating against violence and for women's empowerment. One sign reads 'NO VIOLENCE AGAINST' followed by different groups of people, written in colorful letters. Another sign urges to 'BREAK ALL the CHAINS!' and mentions the empowerment of women. The people are wearing casual clothing and some have orange shirts or jackets, and there is a uniformed officer present.
A group of people gathered in front of a building with large columns, holding signs advocating against violence and for women's empowerment. One sign reads 'NO VIOLENCE AGAINST' followed by different groups of people, written in colorful letters. Another sign urges to 'BREAK ALL the CHAINS!' and mentions the empowerment of women. The people are wearing casual clothing and some have orange shirts or jackets, and there is a uniformed officer present.